It's a heart-breaking day in Blogville today.
For those of you who aren't following Two Collies and a Mutt on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, Marquie hasn't yet posted to the blog but her beloved Lassie has crossed over the Bridge.
It just seems so unreal and unfair. One year after Ella's sudden passing, that Marquie should lose Lassie as well... I can't imagine how lost and rudderless she feels.
Dear Marquie,
My heart aches for your loss and I wish for all the world that I could make it better again. I have no words that can heal this hurt. I can only offer my prayers and thoughts and ear and long-distance, virtual hugs.
A friend of mine shared this with me on the passing of my father:
"When you're in the grocery store...
and it seems like your feet are made of lead.
And everyone around you is moving and working
and shopping and you feel like YELLING:
"Don't you know the WORLD has stopped!!".
Remember that, for a while, it did, for
everyone who posted here, that has lived
through the death of a father, and how we
hurt for YOU right now.
Time is the only healer. You will always miss
him, but there WILL come a day when you can
walk by his picture and laugh for the remembrance
and your luck at having had him for a parent."
I offer the same words to you on the passing of your beautiful boy.
Know that today, the world stopped with you. That all of us who have lost our "heart" dogs, all who have lost a love: We know. We understand.
And know that there WILL come a day when your pain will turn to sweet memories, perhaps still always tainted with a gentle sorrow, but grateful for having such a beautiful soul share your life.
Run free, sweet Lassie. Know that you were well and truly loved. You will be ever missed.
Words of comfort and condolence are gathering on her Facebook announcement if you wish to add your voice.