Monday, July 29, 2013

Fear of (horse) flying

It's summer and we here at Casa de Bella know what that means: bugs. Buzzing bugs. Biting bugs. And a scared-y dog afraid of buzzing, biting bugs.

Bella is justifiably afraid of buzzing bugs. She spent her formative early weeks fending for herself in Puerto Rico where, just like any tropical paradise, they grow their bugs particularly big and bad.

I mean seriously - they have a wasp called the tarantula hawk that eats. tarantulas. for breakfast.

You think I'm kidding, surely.

But no. No I'm not.

Because apparently, paradise doesn't come without a price.

Anyway, my poor little pupster was probably taught from her mum or had it already implanted in her genes that things that buzz are bad.

And then she came here and found a yellow jacket nest that taught her WHY things that buzz are bad.

Photographic evidence of why Bella now fears things that buzz.

But our dog is smart and if she has learned anything at all in her 5.5 years of life, it is that people, while often scary, can also be a source of great safety when things get a little out of hand.

And so Bella has learned that when horseflies attack, the safest place to be is between mommy or daddy's legs. On a leash or free-roaming in the yard, Bella comes running whenever a horsefly finds her and she buries her face between our knees.

I'm ready to go in now!

I find this unbearably charming even though it often means the flies turn their attention to my own apparently rather savory blood supply.

Thanks for bearing with me while I go through this existential blogging crisis. I am trying to figure out where and how and what to write now that Bella's story of transgression, aggression and redemption has come to a close.

And thanks to Alfie, Snoopy, Luna and My Brown Newfies for bringing us the Monday Mischief Pet Blog Hop.

Make sure you hop on through to the other blogs and see what trouble our various critters can get into over the weekend.