Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday's Adopt-this-dog-athon: Lovely Lekoda

Allow me to introduce today's dog: Lekoda

Updated: I am VERY happy to report that Lekoda has been adopted! She went to her forever home in February 2012. Thanks to everyone who helped get her story out so her new family could find her. :) (You can continue to follow her progress on North East All Retriever's "Happy Tails" page.

Available through North East All Retriever Rescue, I met Lekoda at the Woofstock event I attended in October. She's a real sweetie. And just beautiful, too, don't you think?

Lekoda is a 9 year old Lab whose disabled owner very reluctantly had to surrender her due to moving. She is good with cats and dogs and kids, has no bad habits and is even excellent off-leash.

As you might be able to tell from the photo, she's wearing a Thundershirt which means she's a bit of a scared-y dog but the shirt and some homeopathic remedies help with that. She is very Labbie and needs to be with her people. She will be happiest lying quietly at your feet or nearby while you're working or watching TV.

If you or someone you know is looking for a gentle, loving companion, Lekoda would make an excellent choice. Please don't let her age discourage you from welcoming her into your family. Or perhaps you could take a moment to Tweet her story to your followers? Someone out there must be looking for a dog as wonderful as Lekoda. She is certainly waiting for them to find her.

Welcome to this week's edition of my Saturday "Adopt-this-dog-athon".

Every week I take advantage of the popularity of the Saturday Pet Blogger's Hop hosted by Two Little Cavaliers, Life with Dogs, and Confessions of a Plume to bring attention to pets available for adoption at local shelters and rescue organizations with whom I'm affiliated.

I try to feature animals I have met so I can speak personally to their character. I also try to use my own pictures whenever possible and have recently started working with a friend of mine to set up photo sessions ala Pup Fan from I Still Want More Puppies and Second Chance Photos. These goals aren't always possible as in the case of some of the national organizations with dogs spread out all over the country and as with today's dog who I just haven't had a chance to photograph yet.

Finally, I try to focus on animals that have been in the shelter too long, the ones who really need the exposure your tweet can bring. If you've Tweeted or Facebooked or otherwise shared any of the animals in my little adopt-athons, thank you. It means so much to me, and to them.